At the University at Buffalo I teach three basic types of courses: traditional geology course with labs, special topic seminars, and summer workshops. In all my courses you can expect to “get your feet wet”. I believe the best way to reinforce the fundamentals of our science is to actually get out in the field/lab and do it. Below is a list of course I teach and some photos to add some context into what you will learn.
Traditional Geology Courses
Hydrogeology (GLY414/514) – Fall
Surface Processes and Hydrology (GLY312) – Spring
Groundwater Flow Modeling (GLY539 ) – Spring Even Years
Field Methods in Hydrogeology (GLY564) – Spring Odd Years
Quantifying Groundwater and Stream Interactions (GLY606) Fall 2017, part of CUAHSI Virtual University
Special Topic Seminars
Arduino for Geoscientists – Fall 2015
Summer Workshops
Pumping test design and analysis – Summer 2014.
Groundwater/surface water interactions – Summer 2012 and 2013.
Hydrological Field Methods – Summer 2011.
Distributed Temperature Sensing for Stream Hyporheic Exchange – Summer 2010.